92 is palindromic in other bases, where it is represented as 232 6, 161 7, 44 22, and 22 45. There are 92 numbers such that does not contain all digits in base ten (the largest such number is 168, where 68 is the smallest number with such a representation containing all digits, followed by 70 and 79). [9] See more
Welcome to my personal website! I am currently an associate professor at the Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University. Previously I was at Kobe University, the University of Tokyo, and the Bank of Japan. I received a Ph.D.。
井卦講的是水井如何從敗壞到修復好,最後又為人所飲用的過程。 比喻君子修德,最後終為人民所擁戴。 井水本身固定在原地不會移動,一旦水質不好或是泉水乾涸,大家。
基本字义 这,这个,与“彼”相对:~间。~后。~生。长~以往(老是这样下去)。从~。因~。 这里,这儿:到~为止。 See more
92 - 武貴 -